PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is a crossover fighting game developed by SuperBot Entertainment and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3.[1]
Character | Game Franchise |
Kratos | God of War |
Fat Princess | Fat Princess |
Cole MacGrath | inFAMOUS |
Heihachi Mishima | Tekken |
Toro Inoue | Together Everywhere! |
Parappa | PaRappa the Rapper |
Colonel Radec | Killzone |
Big Daddy | BioShock |
Nathan Drake | Uncharted |
Sweet Tooth | Twisted Metal |
Sly Cooper | Sly Cooper |
Jak & Daxter | Jak and Daxter |
Sackboy | LittleBIGPlanet |
Dante | Devil May Cry |
Ratchet & Clank | Ratchet & Clank |
Spike | Ape Escape |
Evil Cole MacGrath | inFAMOUS |
Raiden | Metal Gear |
Nariko | Heavenly Sword |
Sir Daniel Fortesque | MediEvil |
DLC | |
Kat | Gravity Rush |
Emmett Graves | Starhawk |
Isaac Clarke | Dead Space |
Zeus | God of War |
- The development team said they had to be more creative when thinking of moves for characters like Fat Princess and PaRappa because they don't fight within their own series, but still were able to stay true to the characters with their attacks
- Princess Plump (named Royal Gown in the game) is the Princess' main costume, while a costume called "Fairy Tale Dress" is her other costume.
- Fat Princess has a alt color for the Royal Gown, which makes her resemble, but not fully, Princess Muffintop.