"GET FABULOUS" the character customization system in Fat Princess.
There are 21 skin colors to choose from.
- Milky
- Peachy
- Olive
- Caramel
- Chocolate
- Butterscotch
- Brownie
- Apricot
- Butter
- Fried
- Rare
- Scottish
- Banana
- Plum
- Lime
- Vomit
- Bogey
- Gum
- Tantastic
- Frankie
- Zombie
There are 12 eye colors to choose from.
- Blue
- Green
- Brown
- Gray
- Gold
- Purple
- Orange
- Aqua
- Pink
- Black
- White
- Red
There are two voices to choose from. In addition to changing how the player's avatar's voice sounds, it chooses the male or female variant of the top seven Rankings.
- Male
- Female
There are 22 hair styles to choose from.
- Schoolboy
- Pigtails
- Mullet
- Bed Head
- Baldy
- Cheap Cut
- Programmer
- Geek
- Rocker
- Bowl
- Friar
- Tufts
- Skid Mark
- Corndawg
- Prison Handles
- Mum Cut
- Afro
- Word Up
- Achy Breaky
- Mohawk
- Fator
- T Hawk
Facial Hair[]
There are 22 facial hair styles to choose from.
- Chin Strap
- Spikey
- Goat
- Hunter
- Girly
- Bear
- Chops
- Braid
- Ruff
- Bum
- Tickler
- Walrus
- Castro
- Grizzly
- Strongman
- Connery
- Spartan
- Magnum
- Thor
- Handlebar
- Magic
- Buster
Hair Color[]
There are 18 hair colors to choose from.
- Brown
- Ginger
- Blonde
- Dark Brown
- Black
- Gray
- Dark Red
- Dark Gray
- Gold
- White
- Dark Blue
- Raven Black
- Dark Green
- Bright Blue
- Purple
- Light Green
- Red
- Bright Pink